Daybreak's Euphony Print Edition


Print Edition of Daybreak’s Euphony.

When morning light breaks through the window, what pleasant words will whisper in your ear?

The anthology features eight talented authors showcasing historical and urban fantasy works. You’ll find tales of ghosts, beasts, assassins, even a lonely crab. Not all end happy, but they are bound together by the promise of one word: beginning.

Authors: Dora Mattox, Jian Gonzalez, Kiwi Rat, Yung Shusei, Quirky Pen Name, Ash on a Star, Dregs of Tea, and Jacqueline Grey
Release Date: 02/14/2021
Price: $16.99

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Product Details

Format: eBook
Trim: 5x8 in.
Page Count: 276
ISBN: 978-1-7365009-3-4
Cover Illustration: Beans
Cover Design: Beans

About the Authors

  • Dora Mattox lives in New England with her wife and two cats. Writing has been her primary hobby since 2013—for her, writing is a means of asking questions, even when the answer is as simple as “and then they kiss.” Mattox also enjoys travel, exploring wine country, the desert, and having an unspeakable internet presence.

  • Jian Gonzalez is a Filipino-born, Jersey-raised person who can never pass up a good chocolate milk. They're currently trying to navigate life by linking past and present through equal amounts of faith and confusion. They also want you to support your local libraries.

    • Social media: @jeillygee on Twitter

  • Kiwi Rat enjoys writing romance, horror, and fantasy. Their cynical outlook on life is optimistic and it tends to show in their writing.

  • Yung Shusei is an avid reader of myths, history, and culture with an unhealthy amount of interest in food and cryptids, as well as a penchant for exploring fantastical settings of tabletop roleplaying games.

  • Quirky Pen Name is a reclusive cryptid that rises from the depths of angst to dabble in playful writing. Quirky prefers to slide their writing across the table and then submerge back into the abyss, as if they had never appeared.

    • They are quite intrigued by social media, so feel free to say hi @quirky_pen_name. 

  • Ash on a Star is a comic artist and writer that enjoys petting dogs, reading history, and collecting things in varying states of decay to store in little jars.

  • Dregs of Tea: Dot (short for Dregs of Tea) can often be found with a mug of tea in hand and next to a keyboard and is never far from the water. A lifelong reader, she enjoys cramming variations of favorite topes into everything and cannot be stopped!!!

  • Jacqueline Grey lives on an island on the east coast of the United States. She spends her time juggling her many interests which include reading, writing, and drinking tea. She believes everyone has a right to be happy and enjoys seeing her characters find that happiness for themselves.

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